Who we are.

The Brentwood Democratic Town Committee exists to promote Democratic causes and candidates in our town and our state.  We bring together the passionate, forward-thinking, progressive-minded, and community-focused people of our town to bring about positive change in all aspects of life in Brentwood NH.

Facebook /brentwoodnhdems/
Twitter @BrentwoodNHDems

  • Chair Gabrielle Kelly
    Vice-Chair Steve Dawson
    Secretary Secretary

  • Brentwood Democratic
    Town Committee

    Brentwwod, NH


    Facebook /brentwoodnhdems
    Twitter /BrentwoodNHDems

  • Polling Place
    Swasey Central School
    355 Middle Rd
    Brentwood, NH 03833
    Polls Open 7am-7pm

    Brentwood Town Clerk
    1 Dalton Road
    Brentwood, NH 03833

    Town Clerk
    Daphne Woss
    towncvlerk@brentwoodnh.gov(603) 642-6400
