State Representative Candidate
Rockingham District 18- Atkinson

Together, let's make Atkinson affordable again!

I want to make sure New Hampshire is an affordable, safe place to live. In order to do this, we need to get a handle on our property taxes. We need representatives who will hold the state accountable to pay their fair portion of taxes so local cities and towns are not left funding the majority of their community services. Once the state is paying its fair share of taxes, we can properly fund our district schools, explore ways to create affordable housing, protect our environment, and support our local community services. We also need our state to represent the will of voters by preserving our individual freedoms. Women deserve the right to bodily autonomy. Individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community should have rights to their individuality, not to be forced to conform to narrow policies. Most importantly, we need to acknowledge and support our growing diverse population and adopt inclusive policies so all feel welcome in our state.

Michael’s Priorities:

  • Lower property taxes

  • Adequately fund public education

  • Affordable housing

  • Reproductive rights

  • Protecting our environment

  • Preserve our individual freedoms

  • Inclusive policies so all are welcome

A little about me:

Our family came to Atkinson in 2016. My wife and I have been married over 15 years. We have three boys who attend school in the Timberlane Regional School District. I’ve been previously elected as a School Board member in the Timberlane Regional School District. As a parent, as a former educator, and coming from a family of educators, I am actively advocating for fully funded Kindergarten in our school district because I know how beneficial it’ll be for our children and it is also economically sound policy.

I currently work as a Survey Data Analyst for a government contractor. I’ve previously held positions in teaching, particularly as an Early Childhood Education Preschool teacher and a special education paraprofessional. I also work independently as a video content creator. I’ve also owned and operated a mobile food business catering at events.

When I’m not working, I enjoy going on road trips to new places with my family. We like experiencing new things, participating in community events, hiking trails, and trying unique foods. I also like stopping by craft breweries to try beers I’ve never tasted before. (Breweries have some of the best and most affordable food.) At home, we often watch movies, play co-op video games, and host get-togethers.


  • Fisher College – Early Childhood Education Certification

  • Salem State College – BS: Communications: Advertising & Marketing

  • Northern Essex Community College – AS: Journalism


  • American Federation of Teachers - New Hampshire (AFT-NH)

  • National Education Association - New Hampshire (NEA-NH)

  • New Hampshire Young Democrats (NHYD)

  • Center for Freethought Equality

  • International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 633

  • Run for Something